Instructions of use

Step 1

Drilling a hole in the trunk of the palm with a slight downward slope to facilitate the introduction of the liquid. With a drill and a bit of 8 mm. diameter and 20 to 40 cm. lenght, drill to the center of the trunk, where the largest number of conducting vessels are situated. Inserting and removing the drill several times to remove residual sawdust and facilitate the installation of the injector.

Step 2

Insert the SOSFIRST injector fin vertically, with the help of a rubber hammer.

Step 3

Paint the injector neck with putty, to keep sealed and continue introducing until level to the trunk. It is important to maintain the closuresealed to prevent the conducting vessels becoming clogged. Do this step as faster as you can.

Step 4

Prepare the recommended dose and apply with a disposable syringe and a lengthener. Remove the cap and introduce the product slowly. Distilled water is recommended to encourage greater solution. After completing the application, replace the cap tightly and everything will be ready for the next application. SOSFIRST injector can be used on untrimmed palms. A leaf stalk can be removed or the injector can be installed in the base of stalk. Hermetic sealid is important when applying the putty


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Pelltesque blandit suscipit molestie. Phasellus porta lorem ac ipsum cursus congue. Ut lobortis pellentesque nare. Pellentesque tincidunt aliquet condimentum. Nunc rhoncus porta erat, in ornare dolor facilisis in. Aliquam aeque nulla, vitae convallis mauris. Duis tristique, lectus sit amet pharetra vehicula. Pellentesque tincidunt aliquet condimentum. Nunc rhoncus porta erat, in ornare dolor facilisis in. Aliquam a neque nulla, vitae convallis mauris. Duis tristique, lectus sit amet pharetra vehicula, velit lectus hendrerit lorem, eu rutrum velit mi vitae augue. Mauris congue, leo nec ullamcorper vestibulum, orci augue tristique mi, eget bibendum mauris turpis sed metus. Vestibulum quam risu volutpat quis aliquam eu, dictum id massa.